Don't Make Conan's Mistake
“Talent choices should be made proactively and to hurt the competition, not merely to avoid pain. [...] t can take new talent a while to reach their full potential. Give them that opportunity. Once they’ve identified their “stars,” organizations should focus all their resources on making them successful. Early missteps aren’t necessarily predictive of failure — it’s often just moving up the learning curve. [...] It’s in a company’s best interest to have great talent practices like these, just as it is generally in their best interest for them to keep that talent happy and engaged. But the reality is that providing you with a wonderful career experience is not their first (or even second) priority.”

What's Your Company's Sentence?
“It’s not good enough to be pretty good at everything. You have to be the most of something: the most elegant, the most colorful, the most responsive, the most focused. For decades, organizations and their leaders were comfortable with strategies that kept them in the middle of the road — that’s what felt safe and secure. In the new world of business, with so much change, so much pressure, so many new ways to do things, the middle of the road is the road to nowhere.”

BH-färgen - lek eller allvar?
Resonemang om viralt kampanjande.

”Fejkade kampanjer är riskfyllda”
Ja, det behövs väl påpekas emellanåt.

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Jeanette Fors söker.

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