Doktor Spinn’s Daily Smurf Tips

by Doktor Spinn on 2022-02-17 · View Comments

  1. How to Find Your Most Important Fans
  2. Interesting. But still very limited.

    More interesting: I met with FanGager today here NYC, and they have a really potent web service. They have only been live for two months, but as soon as they get on the radar, my bet is that they will be bought. And they don’t only help you to find your fans—they help you to engage them long-term on multiple platforms from one dashboard.

    Also, it’s becoming more and more obvious that the two social media mega-trends here in New York is really taking off: influence tracking and gamification. FanGager actually combines the two very well. Thanks to Omer Rosenbaum for putting us in contact!

  3. Alla är en sociala medier-specialist [SWE]
  4. “För att name droppa några som vet vad de snackar om; Brian Solis, författare och specialist på marknadsföring och branding inom nya medier. Scott Monty, sociala medier-chef på Ford Motors som bland annat låg bakom Ford Fiesta Movement. Brit Stakston, Mediestrateg och en av Sveriges mest anlitade föreläsare och debattörer inom sociala medier. Jerry Silfwer, Digital strateg inom PR och kanske den person i Svensk PR som brinner mest för kommunikation. Det kanske vore osmart att inte nämna Mark Zuckerberg, killen bakom vår tids mest sociala fenomen.”

    Tack för fint omnämnande! Kärlek!

  5. Reaching Life Goals: Which Strategies Work
  6. I have a better tip, actually.

    Create “if-then” strategies. If I get home from work before 9pm, then I will go down to the gym. These strategies are better for your brain since they support positive brain stimuli and chances are greater that you’ll be able to alter your behaviors.

  7. 71 Top Online Customer Communities: The Big List
  8. Resourceful listing. Thank you!

  9. Why Peanuts Matter
  10. Yeah, look at Twitter. It’s so basic, it’s almost funny that people actually use it. Still, don’t get confused by thinking this applies to zoology. Because if peanuts is what you pay, monkeys are what you will get.

  11. Grayling blir Googles nya pr-byrå [SWE]
  12. Överraskande, jag trodde det skulle stå mellan Springtime och Deportivo. Hm, vilka känner jag på Grayling? Joanna Mossberg och Robin Rutberg Goncalves, någon mer? Grattis till er, grymt uppdrag!

  13. En strippstång för SJ [SWE]
  14. Alltså, någon har föreslagit att Niclas Strandh ska köra strip aerobics med stång och allt. All kärlek till Niclas, men någon måste ha rökt på här. Eller?

    Kanske vore det något. Ett överraskningsframträdande på Sweden Social Web Camp 2011 där Niclas och Nikke iförda tajts och benvärmare går loss på varsin stång. Karin Adelsköld kan greppa micken och rickrolla någon svennig Septemberlåt - komplett!

  15. Red Cross Praised for Handling of Tweet Mix Up
  16. “A Red Cross staffer accidentally posted a tweet about Dogfish Head beer (mmm… beer) on the Red Cross Twitter line. The mistake was caught, the tweet was taken down, and with a bit of humor, the issue was resolved.”

    Nice with some good examples; we get too much of the bad ones. All hail simple solutions.

  17. What went wrong with Toyota news coverage, and why
  18. “Besides lack of editorial resources and the increasing absence of fact checking, one issue not focused upon in the series was the false sense of empowerment some reporters feel merely by being reporters. Each of those ingredients all seem to be at play with Toyota news coverage. As spokespersons for “the people,” it was easy to glom onto cheap criticism, innuendo and unsubstantiated allegation. The Toyota reporting had all the makings of a good scandal for which journalists clamor. The problem was that, even early on, reporters refused to let facts get in the way of their reporting.”

    All journalism aside—Toyota isn’t doing too well PR-wise, either. Heard something about paying bloggers to remove posts, is that true?

  19. blog by willis [SWE]
  20. Dagens bloggtips. Via Joakim Leijon.

  21. Top 100 Posts On The Future Of Communication by Johan Ronnestam
  22. A wealth of information—as always from Johan Ronnestam.

  23. WPP Digital launches global interactions agency, Possible Worldwide - WPP
  24. Possible a really strong agency, this. But will they be as good as they were separately?

  25. Facebook Officials Keep Quiet on Its Role in Revolts
  26. “But Facebook was the primary tool used in Egypt, first to share reports about police abuse and then to build an online community that was mobilized to join the Jan. 25 protests.”

  27. Ten Mindful Ways to Use Social Media
  28. Serene, for sure.

  29. Controversial PR firm attracts student interest
  30. “Burson-Marsteller markets itself as a company that clients contact “when the stakes are high: during a crisis, a brand launch, or any period of fundamental change or transition.” But, its choice of clientele has been the subject of debate since the firm has worked to improve the images of companies such as Xe Services, the private defense firm formerly known as Blackwater USA and known for accusations of employees killing Iraqi civilians, and the Indonesian government after massacres of protesters in 1991.”

  31. Where in Social Media are Young Teens?
  32. “As a Digital Strategist and as a word-of-mouth marketer, one must ask, how are these teenagers using Facebook? In the same Pew study, the amount of teenagers using social networking websites for messaging purposes have steadily risen from 21% in 2006 to 25% in 2010. Teenagers are increasingly relying on Facebook as a means of communication and they are increasing as a demographic on Facebook. Off the top of my head, I can list robust Facebook campaigns geared towards moms, sports fanatics, families, and frat boys. However, a compelling Facebook campaign targeting younger teens does not come to mind.”

  33. Comfort and Relaxation in the Swiss Alps: The WhitePod Alpine Ski Resort
  34. No no no no no no no, I’m not allowed to dream of vacation…

    Via Johan Hedberg.

  35. Man Posts Photos on Boeing Facebook Page, Gets Invited To 747 Launch
  36. Compare this to the Porsche case. Companies are starting to get it. You have to cater to your fans, you have to give back to your community, Your brand may be swell, but your brand is no longer the hero. Your ambassadors are. Win one a day and you’ll live to win one yet another.

    Via Johan Hedberg.

  37. Clinton and the freedom to connect
  38. “I’m disappointed that she used this speech to once more attack Wikileaks (even as she praised other nations’ citizens’ efforts to use the net to bring transparency to their governments) and that the Administration has not taken the opportunity of Wikileaks to examine its own level of classification and opacity. They could still disapprove of Wikileaks while also learning a lesson about being more open. By not doing that, some of the high-minded words in a speech such as this come off as at least inconsistent if not hypocritical.”

  39. YouTube - Thank you - A 1,000,000 Times
  40. Getting 1,000,000 fans on Facebook is no end-game in itself, but if you have that many people showing their respects for your brand, then it’s truly the right thing to do to pay some respect back to your fans. I really love this initiative and I think this shows that Porsche really respects their fans which in turn makes me like Porsche even more. I think I will go in and Like their page right now.

    Via Martin Prescott.

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  • Joanna

    Tack, vi tycker också att det känns grymt roligt. Man kommer ganska långt med att känna mig och Robin, det räcker nästan så. =) Vi var ju dessutom två tredjedelar av pitchteamet.

  • Robin Rutberg Goncalves

    Vem vet, byråkartan kanske håller på att ritas om? ;) Tack för gratulationerna!

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