The Art Of Lacking Out

by Doktor Spinn on 2022-05-06 · View Comments

This quote from Jesper Åström simply deserves its own posting.

“Another Swedish blog that I wish could have been written in English is that of Jerry “Springer” Silfwer. I don’t only like Doktorspinn as a blog, but I really like the way that Jerry can get pissed off. It is something about that honest transparency of someone completely lacking out at someone else that appeals to my senses. Jerry doesn’t hide, he comes after you and you better be prepared to defend your statements if you bring it. Jerry however, is far from being a vigilante. He’s actually one of those PR consultants that try to understand before he acts instead of pretend that he does and then spam for attention.”

I try to live by All You Need Is Love. But being brought up in the pre-dominant conflict logic of the mass media era, sometimes you get tired of being Mr Nice Guy and you just want to go head-to-toe with someone worthy.

Make no mistake about it, I really like independent individuals who practice the art of thinking for themselves. Jesper Åström is one of them, just as Micco Grönholm, Joakim Jardenberg, Johan Ronnestam, Judith Wolst and Björn Alberts. I read EVERYTHING that these individuals post on their blogs, and if you are into business and web, I suggest you do to.

Or else.

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  • jardenberg kommenterar - 7 May, 2010 | jardenberg unedited

    [...] The art of lacking out #PRofSweden — Doktor Spinn [...]

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