I’m reposting this here for my digital archive. Originally posted here.

I’m sitting here at the conference hall in Clarion Sign, Stockholm awaiting the start of the World Public Relations Forum 2010. I’m sitting here with my Blogger Pass together with some 400 PR-lovers.

Is this a big deal? We actually don’t know yet. The traditional PR industry, or at least a large chunk of it, are ill equipped embrace the new media landscape. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Here goes.

(I also blog here.)


John Paluszek, the Chairman of Global Alliance, is speaking of harmony. This rhymes of course with the idea of sustainability, the basis of the Stockholm Accords. Of course, I’ve got things to say about this:

PR for establishing harmony and sustainability is good. But what about PR for advancing business? What about PR for corporate risk-taking?


Moderating the event: Beata Wickbom. Brilliant and off to a good start!


Now the main act: Brian Solis!

“I believe that PR is bigger than we can imagine.”

“We have to put PR back on track.”

“PR is only dying if it ain’t evelving.”

“PR is a top-down model, social media is the opposite.”

“Junior professionals are at the front lines of their companies.”

“We have to stop thinking like broadcaster.”

“Attention becomes the major currency in commerce.”

“Relevance, Resconance, Significance.”

There’s a ME in social MEdia for a reason.”

“Now everybody is an influencer.”

“If you want to change something, you might have to work on Saturdays.”

“The new era of the influencers.”

“140 charachters is actually a lot.”

“We have to think outside of the database.”

“The more that I introduce value into a network, the more I get to influence.”

“The dawn of contextual networks.”

“Facebook wants you to curate content all over the web, so they can advertise effectively.”

“Customer service is leading the social media effort. But No-one department can own social media. Social media is owned by the people.”


Now: Sven Hamrefors about network cooperation and value creation.

“There are stability in actions”.

Oops - we are experienceing some elecricity failures here at first row. Where’s our electricity?

In a value network, size does not matter. It is all about how much value you add.

Sven Hamrefors also talks about that we now want more for less when it comes to information. I would argue, that we don’t see information consumption as a favor given to us, we see it as a favor to those providing the information. We pay with our attention - organisations need to understand appreciate this value better in order to be found and procured.

Discussion of ideological and contextual leadership.

“Leadership has to become more communicative.”

“The times they are a’changing. And it will get worse.” Or rather better, right?

“Politicians are interferring with business in municipalitys.”

Questions and discussions. Nigeria, Albania, and Canada are in the house!

One of the great PR challenges in Nigeria - how to get corporations to understand that the people need to be a part of the solution in order to prevent public mayhem.

Hamrefors: “Politicians need to be taimed.”


World Televison are broadcasting the event. And there’s also an Iphone application for the event. I’ll link it all up later.


Robin Teigland on stage:

“Are you a Brittannica Encyklopedia type of organisation or a Wikipedia type of organisation?”

“We are moving into a third industrial revolution.”

“Creating value outside the boundraries of the firm.”

“The internet is 40 years old.”

“Social media is involved in every aspect of value creation, both inside and outside of the organisation.”

“Most of the job gets done within informal networks.”

Twitter (Slidesshare pointer):http://twitter.com/mljungqvist/statuses/16141028758

We discuss different models for value creation in PR. I and Paula Marttila made one model (superb, of course) and presented it for the public. I will photograph it and link it up later.


Träffar @Havspappan som gjort den mycket uppskattade webinar-serien om  sociala medier och stratigsk kommunikation. Träffar även Mandarva Mörner Hansen och @AnnikaSjoberg.


During lunch, I spoke in Pecha Kucha about Social media naturals - the era of the new influencers. The room was full in a couple of minutes! On the same subject (if you understand Swedish). I also talked a little bit with well-known advisor Bo Albertsson, CEO of Hill & Knowlton Nordic, and Donald Alexander, renowned PR lecturer from Australia, who also held a presentation.


Found a table full of Stefan Engeseths book The fall of PR and the rise of advertising. I like the guy, but still. Strange choice of litterature for the conference… and my review of the book? Well, find it here (if you can read Swedish).


Back from lunch.

Mervyn King takes sustainability to a very serious level. we are living under false assumptions. We are not living in a sustainable matter. We are screwing up our earth, basically.

King describes the earth as a hotel, the Planet Inn. “Because we all live in it.”

“2010 are thee age of the stupid.”

Twitter: http://twitter.com/mb_spri/statuses/16142281561

RT @Ferpi2puntozero: innovation is in the network relationships, which belong only partially to the organization #wprf2010

“It’s no longer a WE and THEM situation in stakeholder communication. The gap has to be closed.”

Twitter: “#wprf2010 World PR Forum keywords (so far): social media, social media, social media, BP, social media, BP in social media

“There’s nothing worse than following natural human response of enhancing the positive.”

The communicative strategist should not necessarily be on the board of directors, since he or she then looses their independence, says King. But is it then strategic? i’m not sure I understood his point here.


Next up:

“Interactive session: Increasing Your Return on Relationships – how Stakeholder Management can evolve through real conversations Björn Edlund (SWE), former Vice President Communications at Royal Dutch Shell plc”

“Leaders in companies will have to develop socital competence.” Brilliant!

“Do the right people really know how public opinion is formed?”

“Non technical risks is how the oil industry describes people.”

“People talking back shows that there is a relationship.”

“Brand is the promise, reputation the result.”

Twitter: @AchGray - jesus still leading @GraylingUK and @GraylingGlobal poll on greatest communicators http://fraga.utvecklingswebben.se/ #wprf2010

“Don’t put company in middle of stakeholder maps!”

Quotes doesn’t really desribe the depth of this presentation - see the live stream instead is my recommendation. Interesting of course regarding the BP disaster:

“Don’t dispute facts and try to stay out of lock-dow-denial-mode.”

This should be an American issue with American spokespersons, ” - no Brits on TV”.

“Lock your best brains into a bunker until they come up with solutions for each stakeholders.”


I will miss the first Stockholm Accords session. But I’ve discussed it extensively here.


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Tweets that mention World Public Relations Forum – Day One #wprf2010 #PRofWorld — Doktor Spinn -- Topsy.com
2021-06-14 at 22:09

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Stefan Pettersson (1 comments) 2021-06-14 at 19:34

Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed the discussion on integrated reporting led by Mervyn King. Interesting that he mentioned McKinsey. I think he was referring to a recent study of theirs whose respondents identified enhanced reputation as the most important way that corporate responsibility programs add value. But McKinsey also concludes that “environmental, social, and governance programs can create value in many other ways that support growth, improve returns on capital, reduce risk, or improve management quality.” http://www.mckinseyquarterly.com/Valuing_social_r.... If you agree, you need to move towards integrated reporting…


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